Category: Mrs Andrea Leyerle

Religion is demonstration of an attitude or lifestyle that lives under total condemnation. Those displaying this attitude consistently condemn themselves and/ or condemn others. Religious bondage is a restriction that allows for keeping up with, or one-upping the Jones’s, while maintaining an outward appearance of piety. I heard it said that for religion to flourish, there must be a neck to step on.

I have personally been treated this way by (religious) groups of people, by those who name the name of Christ. It’s a terrible day, ladies and gentleman, when fratricide is displayed in the body. This is a sin as leprosy is a sin. Eventually, the body left undiagnosed will eat itself up. Back biting is defined in some cultures as the actual eating of another’s flesh, stealing the strength of the victim for the biter. Religion permits back biting one another until the entire body is crippled, paralyzed and dead.

The Bible says, true religion, undefiled, is ministering to widows and orphans and keeping oneself unspotted by the world. (Jam 1:27) BIBLICAL religion demonstrates a love for others that comes out of a heart that loves God. Can I ask if we are demonstrating the love we KNOW, and is our demonstration evidence of the love we DON’T KNOW?

Jesus said ANY man may come and drink of the water of life. He also said that if we believe, out of our belly will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:37-38) Let me ask you, have you denied another believer the blessing of refreshing from your life because of a religious decision?

That person is too _____.
I just don’t agree with _____ about _____.
They go to ‘so and so’ church and it’s a _______ church, so I can’t be their friend.

Brethren, the Lord loved you while you were still a sinner. He died for the ungodly, bearing the worst punishment imaginable; the very wrath of Almighty God. (Rom 5:6-8) He loves you still, as He is molding you and shaping you into a vessel of honor. He extends His grace to you, His mercy upon you, His Word to feed you, His presence to comfort you. He constantly forgives, consistently forgives. Jesus is our redeemer. God is LOVE.(1 Jhn 4:8) He bids you to come to Him and find rest for your soul. Won’t you demonstrate today, that you know the love of God, by loving others the way the Lord loves you? (1 Jhn 4:16)

I am The Lord that Healeth thee.

This morning I was encouraged in my heart to write to you all and testify of the goodness of God concerning physical healing. I have personally been healed supernaturally, by the grace and goodness of God, in my physical body. I am continuing to trust God for healing in my physical body. Not only for Him to heal me physically, but also to move in power more and more in these last days and to heal the sick in our churches and families.


Before I was saved, I had terrible digestive trouble. I would have periods of time, weeks, or months at a time where I could hardly eat and when I did, I would be resigned to home in bed or in the bathroom for hours at a time. There were times when I would eat at a restaurant and immediately have to leave friends and spend the rest of the night at home in bed or bathroom. This went on for at least 5 years. The last episode I had sent me to hospital to have GI examined, only to be told they couldn’t find anything wrong. Then came the opportunity for salvation. When I finally surrendered my life to Christ. Oh what a glorious day, I will never forget it. Immediately, all the guilt, shame, confusion, and failure left my heart and mind and I was instantly transformed into joy, peace, and a lightness that only can come from God. Oh what assurance can be felt when God takes all the wrongs you have done and others have done against you and throws them into the bottom of the sea!!


The day I answered God’s altar call, He also healed me of my “stomach sickness.” I have been right every day since, and it’s been 13 years of walking with The Lord. The very next day in my new life I was “regular” and normal in my digestion!!! Now this was not something I was praying for, asking for, nobody prayed specifically for my stomach; the altar workers didn’t even know anything about my sickness. When I was praying and received new life in Christ, my indigestion was the furthest thing from my mind! I KNEW my life was in shambles and “my way” got me absolutely nothing. I can say it’s easy to turn your life over when the Lord shows you what a mess you’ve made of it. God and God alone worked this miracle of healing in my physical body and He gets all the glory for this healing!


Fast forward now to the time right before we were ready to move to Louisiana for Carl to attend Bible College at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. We both felt the call and were busy making preparations. I had started to have very painful times of the month. For about 6 months, every month, I was in such pain I would be doubled over, in tears. I found myself doing “Lamaze” type breathing when the pain would come on. This lasted continually for three days out of the month and would come on at random. Sharp terrible pain. Well I went to the Dr. and was prescribed muscle relaxers and pain killers to take. These medications did not help me at all; the pain was exactly the same.  I was given an X-Ray and it was found that I had fibroids in my uterus. Fibroids which grow significantly during pregnancy, may have to be removed, and increased my chances of having to have a hysterectomy by 33%. This was very disappointing news considering Carl and I desired to have more children.


We made it to Baton Rouge, LA, and started attending church at Family Worship Center. I answered and altar call for physical healing and what took place next was the miracle working power of God. I was moved in faith, praying and telling The Lord, “Your eyes are on the sparrow, I know You know about this and You can fix this and I need YOU to heal my uterus, Lord!” Well as I was standing in the crowd, I heard a voice saying, “You’ve been healed, you can go your way.” I immediately opened my eyes and looked around, and finally told my husband that I didn’t think I needed anyone to lay hands on me because I think the Lord just told me I’ve been healed and I went and sat in my seat! Now my expression wasn’t of joy and elation; more like deer in the headlights and a quiet submission to the voice I heard. Throughout the rest of the service, at certain times, I felt a hot sensation in different parts of my lower abdomen. I sat in amazement, eyes big as saucers, believing God was doing the healing. I now have normal times of the month!!!  And Carl and I have a daughter named Evangeline Susanne meaning, “One who brings the Good News in Purity.”


One other time, I was experiencing a migraine headache. I was home with 2 little babies and could not open my eyes because the pain was so severe. I told my daughter, Lois, who might have been 5 at the time, that mommy had a headache. Well, she laid her little head on my shoulder and hugged me and prayed, “God, I love my mommy. And I know you love her, too. Please heal all her boo-boo’s in Jesus’ Name. Amen.” And you know what happened next? YES! The Lord took away my migraine headache! He took it away, instantly!


I want you all to know that God can and certainly does minister healing today. Ask Him right NOW for the need you have in your body. Ask and keep on asking! I know He is able and willing to heal the sick and afflicted, and He can heal you, too, right NOW, right where you sit! To GOD be the glory, great things He has done!